Copywriting Services

Your customer’s journey with you is a crucial part of any marketing strategy you intend to use.

I help you with pieces that can make or break your funnel. Nurturing leads before conversion. Crafting consistent selling messages.

Keeping your prospect sliding into your product or service. And increasing the chance for them to become paying customers.

This includes:

  • Ad copy

  • Landing pages (Opt-in, Squeeze Pages)

  • Product pages/Product descriptions

  • Content Marketing- blog posts, newsletters, social media post

Funnel Copy/Content Marketing

You need to be able to engage your subscribers at every point of their journey with you through email.

Your emails should be packed with value and relevancy upfront to build a trusting relationship with your subscribers.

For e-commerce stores, there are a few different emails and sequences you need in place, so you don't leave money or customers on the table. This is where I can come in:

  • Welcome/Nurturing Sequence

  • Abandoned cart Sequence

  • Re-engagement campaign

  • Upsells and Promotional Emails etc.

Email Copywriting